- 951-514-0082 Andrea
- 951-775-1059 George
Below you can find answers to some common questions.
These Q&A's are only related to the DJ/Mc, DJ qquiment, music, etc.
Who'll be your DJ/Mc. »How soon can I contact my DJ » What if I need a dance mix made for Choreographed Dance »
If you have any other questions please let your DJ or wedgewood sales know. Thank you.
Who'll be your DJ/Mc.
Wedgewood will send out a email to see which Dj is available for your wedding date. Once a DJ confirms thier availability, Wedgewood will lock them in for your date. If you specifically want to pick one of Wedgewood DJs, they would have to be available for your date. It is always a good idea to let Wedgewood sales know what type of Dj you are looking for. For example, if you wanted a Bilingual DJ

How soon can I contact my DJ/MC
Wedgewood sales will lock in your DJ 6 month before your wedding date. But normally the DJ will get in contact with you a month prior til your wedding date, follewed by a phone meeting to go over all the details.

What if I need a dance mix made for Choreographed Dance
There is aditional charge for this, depending on the mix prices may vary. Starting cost will be $25 and go up to $100.

DJ Lights
Add some dancing lights to lighten up your dance floor to make the dancing more fun..
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Monogram lighting is a great way to personalize your reception, we will project your name, initials, wedding date on the dance floor or nearby wall. Shine it behind the head table or cake table for a beautiful backdrop! WE can do static or animated.
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TV Monitors
Show off your slideshow or Pre-Video at your wedding? Or maybe you just want to show your monogram through a TV screen('s)'
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Dancing On Clouds
Add that magical touch to your first dance. This effect will leave your guests simply amazed and stunned! Imagine your pictures or video, the pure elegance this effect adds to your special moment! You will be amazed at how many pictures your guests will take of your first dance
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LED Dancefloor
Our Amazing starlit LED dance floors are perfect for creating the ultimate party atmosphere! Your guest will have an amazing experience dancing on the light up dancefloor with different effects.
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